If you’re looking for our route from Berlin to Tokyo in 2017, it’s here.

If you’re interested in what we’re planning now, don’t go anywhere. Here’s the plan: We’ll go straight south from Berlin (because European winter is cold) and catch a ferry from Genoa to Tanger Med, Morocco. From here we’ll more or less stick to the East coast, passing through Mauretania, Senegal, The Gambia, possibly Guinea-Bissau, certainly Guinea. We might find ourselves visiting Sierra Leone and Liberia but will certainly pass through Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon. From there, it’s either Gabun or Congo before we head to Angola. Here we might take a ferry from Cabinda to Soyo. And from there, it all depends on how much time we have left. If we should be in a hurry, we’ll go through Namibia to Cape Town. If we have some time at our hands, we’ll do a western loop to explore some more. But this is just a first draft, a first guess really. Lots of ideas and detours will come up. That’s what it’s about.